GenoBank Donauwald eG chooses FastViewer

GenoBank Donauwald eG focuses on proximity and short communication pathways to their medium-sized businesses and commercial and residential customers. Regardless of time and place, the online branch office DonauWald eG, which is essentially the 20-th branch, offers our full range of services.

»When providing daily support, our goal was to offer the highest possible quality of customer service, in compliance with strict data protection and privacy requirements. By using FastViewer, we succeeded in achieving this goal. Since December 18, 2103, the remote maintenance tool has enabled our specialists in the field of electronic banking services to directly and efficiently access the computer interfaces of our customers whenever problems have occurred. We can thus offer our online customers the additional service of providing quick solutions to problems.

The customer care provided by FastViewer GmbH is characterized by its exemplary individuality, commitment and friendliness.«

René Grönewäller, Head of the Online Branch Office – GenoBank Deggendorf