Cycos AG
Cycos AG
Mrs. Ganser-Muhs
About cycos AG:
With their core product mrs (multimedia routing software) or the latest version mrs Vanguard, cycos AG offers companies of all sizes a modular and highly scalable unified communications software suite, which can be embedded in various ICT environments. mrs Vanguard integrates voice mail, e-mail, fax, SMS, instant messaging and CTI services, coupled with status, team and conference functionalities (presence, collaboration & conferencing) in the communication processes of medium-sized and large enterprises.
Besides eliminating some of the chaos in everyday office communication, we want to give our customers the possibility to be more flexible with our software solution and to save on travel expenses. Our customers should be put in the position to quickly, safely and easily initiate voice conferences and web conferencing at the workplace or to take part in conferences, regardless of time and place.
Therefore FastViewer:
As a leading company in the field of web conferencing, FastViewer was just the right partner for us. Through the cooperation, we managed to plan every user in the company for voice and web conferencing with the help of a simple click. The customer can works as usual in their Groupware system; the functions are made available through integrated buttons in the GUI. The ease of use eliminates any need for training. The participants invited to a conference can participate safely in the conference, simply by starting an .exe file. 256-bit AES encryption provides the required security. Furthermore, no program needs to be installed on the hard disk. With FastViewer, we were able to add these “Collaboration” functions to our portfolio.
Telephone and web conferences are easily organized from the Groupware system. As usual, the user opens the “New Date” window in their Outlook calendar and simply adds the voice and web conferencing details to the invitation. The cycos mrs server generates the correct data and reserves the required virtual “conference rooms“. The participants invited to the web conference receive the access information including the password in the e-mail invitation. In the cycos CTI Client “cyPHONE“, web conferences can be started ad hoc during telephone calls or telephone conferences. Everyone knows the situation; suddenly you want to work on a document together. This is possible with the FastViewer solution.
Integration of the FastViewer solution in our cycos mrs solution rounds off our unified communications suite by enabling us to offer our customers a solution for web conferencing that guarantees a high measure of security guaranteed and is even TÃœV certified. Our partners and customers are above all excited by the integration in the groupware, because this lets us offer communication services exactly where users need and can take advantage of them every day.